In this installation, a performance served as the inciting incident for a month-long gallery show of sculpture and video. At the opening of the show the audience was invited to view a new Claude Wampler film installation. When the audience arrived for the event, there were technical difficulties that then lead to a whole string of problems culminating in a fight between the artist and a technician. In the argument, one of the film projectors accidentally got knocked of the stand and shattered which escalated tension and cued other actions in the space (a woman spilled her red wine on the wall, a man dropped his glass of red wine on the floor, a woman bumped into a man causing him to fall making a hole in the wall, a man got a bloody nose and placed his hand on the wall leaving a blood print, a woman got her hair extension pulled out while a man got his pocket torn off, a woman’s program caught on fire while she was lighting a cigarette causing the fire alarm to go off, a man fell and broke two chairs, etc…) and ended with the artist (myself) collapsing and then being taken away in an ambulance.
This work was created by using many hired actors as plants with well-placed props. The entire event was video taped with surveillance cameras placed in each corner of the space. For the run of the show, the “aftermath” objects remained on exhibition (strategically distressed, broken and spilled “sculptures”) and the video of the apparent disastrous opening/screening was shown on monitors in the gallery.