Song and Dance (and a good movie)
2003, Gulbenkian Foundation Center of Modern Art, Lisbon and
TENT/Witte de With & Schouwburg Theater Rotterdam
Song and Dance (and a good movie)
2003, Gulbenkian Foundation Center of Modern Art, Lisbon and
TENT/Witte de With & Schouwburg Theater Rotterdam
Song and Dance (and a good movie) was an installation initially created in collaboration with 9 musicians from Lisbon for the CAPITALS festival at the Gulbenkian Foundation Center for Modern Art. The project had four distinct parts that were viewed by the audience in a linear fashion beginning with a screening of Warhol’s film Paul Swan, followed by a gallery with three portraits painted directly on the wall using black-light paint so they were only visible when the lighting system was triggered and the normal exhibition lights faded and black-light illuminated the room. The third part was the performance, by 9 musicians and myself (as vocalist), of David Bowie’s 1972 album, Hunky Dory, in its entirety. The final section was the live re-creation of the last scene from Claire Denis’ Beau Travail in which the actor Denis Lavant dances in a disco. For this part I made a replica of the set and learned the choreography and, costumed as Denis Lavant, executed the dance. The work edges notions of genre, visibility and the availability of the gaze to create something spectacular where the audience plays the role of the protagonist, creating images that one has to look back to confront one’s own conventions of looking. This critical posture becomes unavoidable through insisting on un-stating any point of perspective, through not allowing a point of view and yet generously and relentlessly providing “entertainment”. This piece was then exhibited at the Rotterdam Film Festival, split between the visual arts venue TENT/Witte de With and the performance venue, Schouwburg Theater Rotterdam.